Reason behind Ice Sheets is melting

We have two major Ice mass in our planet Artic region, in the North and Antarctic Peninsula, in the south. Antarctica is a landmass which is no man’s land and no government occupies the extended piece of land. It had been the base for the scientists and researchers of many countries. Antarctica is covered with Ice sheets throughout centuries. It had also been the place for study of the weather conditions of different phases of million years age. the Land had been the witness of extreme climates faced by the Earth in past billions of years. The major worry of the scientist’s community is the global warming. If the Global warming is not taken into consideration to alter the situation, then the humanity will suffer it consequence.


Detached Ice masses In Antarctica

Recently, the researchers are been alarmed of the sign of Antarctica getting warmer. When mapped in the reading radar from the satellite, - the heat zone was found beyond normal spread over Antarctica. It concerned the scientists when the vast Ice slab been detached and went into the Webber sea in the west coast of the Antarctica. The Concern deepened for the Antarctica Ice melting when the scientists found the vast crack length Kilometres away in the Ice through satellite image which had been reported by the British Research Base.  And if in this rate of the Ice slab been started breaking off from the Antarctica, then the day is not very far when the most of the sea coastal land and the Island will be submerged in the sea.


Reason for the Global Ice thinning

Experts expect more extreme warming events in the future, raising alarm about the future of the world's frozen landmass. The temperature been recorded is 60 to 70 degree as the heat map showed.

·      The raised temperature had been blamed for the climate changed and the Earth’s atmospheric carbon levels soar.

·      Recently, the major earth events such as the eruption of volcanoes all over the globe also held responsible for the warm temperature of the world.

·      The Sun flare also one of the reasons to shred the protective Ozone layer over the Artic region. From the period of 1970 to 2016 the high influx of solar and cosmic radiation entered the troposphere within the Artic pole. As a result, the Artic region is transforming, the warming observed to be 0.17-degree C per decade globally during last three decades. Green land has been losing ice sheet at a higher rate of >215 Billion tons per year.

·      The Earth tremor is also may be the reason behind the Ice loss. Recently, In India a huge Ice cap detached from the great Himalaya. The reason may be the recurring earthquake and the Earth plate changing shape.  


·      In the Antarcticpeninsula the reason of the heat map is - Antarctic Peninsula, which is protected from warm air incursions by the southern hemisphere westerly, a belt of strong winds encircles the continent. But in recent months, those westerlies have been in a weakened state around the South Pole, part of a recurring pattern known as the Antarctic oscillation. Warm air spills south in an “exceptional” manner, Fettweis, a polar climatologist says.

On top of that, ocean temperatures surrounding the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula were 3-5 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than usual toward the beginning of the month. this oceanic warmth might be the lingering effect of a upper atmospheric warming event that occurred in the spring, which shifts the westerly wind north. All of this warmth in the oceans and atmosphere brings the stage for a record-breaking heat wave.


·      The western spine of the Antarctica peninsula is covered in a mountain range: the Antarctic Peninsula Cordillera, which is linked with South America’s Andes. As air flows over the mountains, starts to sink, compressing and heating up as it speeds downslope and creating so-called foehn winds.” These hot air blasts can cause temperatures to temporarily rise by as much as 55 F (30 C).


·      West Antarctica’s icy perimeter is being attacked from below by warm ocean water, on the Antarctic Peninsula warmer air temperatures destabilized from the top, causing meltwater to pool up and occasionally drain into floating ice shelves, cracking them apart. As the protective, icy floodgates crumble and retreat, flowing into the ocean faster and triggering global sea level rise. From 1992 to 2017, the rate of ice loss from the Antarctic Peninsula is ranged from 7 to 33 billion tons a year.

Short-term heat waves play a role, If an ice shelf has already been weakened by persistent warmth.

It shows that recent levels of summer melting are unprecedented in the last thousand years. A 2013 study, suggested even a modest future rise in air temperatures could translate to “rapid increases” in summertime melting and ice shelf decay. As per Antarctic glaciologist- “It’s part of the trend, and we’re going to see more of those warm events than cold events” in the future. The roots of the recent Antarctic heat wave can be traced hundreds of miles north.





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