
Showing posts with the label Health and Wellness

Importance of Alkaline foods for Good Health:

Alkaline Foods: The Key to Vibrant Health In the quest for optimal wellness, the balance between acidity and alkalinity within our bodies plays a crucial role. This balance is influenced significantly by our dietary choices. Alkaline foods, which help maintain a healthy pH level in our bloodstream, are essential for promoting vitality and preventing diseases. Understanding pH Balance Our body’s pH level, which stands for ‘potential of hydrogen’, is a measure of how acidic or alkaline our blood is on a scale that ranges from 0 to 14. A pH level below 7 is considered acidic, above 7 is alkaline, and exactly 7 is neutral. The ideal pH level for our blood is slightly alkaline, around 7.35 1 . This is why Alkaline Foods Matter An alkaline diet is not a new concept but has gained more attention as people seek ways to combat modern lifestyle diseases. The foods we consume can leave an ‘ash’ residue after digestion, which can be acidic, alkaline, or neutral. This residue affects our body’s pH

Shortfall of this mineral leads to Heart to Sleep disruption

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a critical role in numerous bodily functions. Our Sleep also get disrupted by its insufficiency ,so as our Heart Pupitation and Bowl movement is also hinderd. One of the key roles of magnesium is its involvement in energy production. Magnesium is also important for maintaining healthy bone density. This mineral helps to regulate calcium levels in the body, which is essential for bone health and strength. This mineral is so much essential to our body even a small shortfall can upset the imbalance of our bodily functions. In other words this is a key player in our body.   Deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of Health : - Osteoporosis Magnesium deficiency also affect other bone-related conditions and its presence preserve bone   and tooth strength. - Muscle function and nerve transmission This mineral is required for proper muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as for the transmission of signals between nerves. Witho

Herbal Bath and Gentle Healing

The herbal bath is a very old form of medical treatment, and it is a safe and effective way to use herbs for healing. An herbal bath can relax the person and reduce stress as the healing qualities of the herbs permeate the body through the skin. A good soak is a cleanser, nourishes the skin, and rejuvenates the tiredness of the body and spirit. It also relieves skin irritations and soothes sores and muscle aches. Herbs in the tub are the magic; they provide a soothing effect on the soul, spirit, and body. Cleopetra was devoted to her beauty care since she was young. As per legend, she used to take herbal baths. Aromatic herbal baths are also called "body and sole therapy." Aromatherapy or aromatic herbal baths are the natural fragrances from dried flowers, essential oils from certain plants or flowers that can relieves our moods. In Aromatherapy you use natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots, or other parts of a plant for aroma. The medicinal

“TEA”: A Drink for Reducing Health Risk Factors

Tea for Healthy Reasons Tea is a refreshing drink through the ages, but very little percentage of the tea-drinking population counts its qualitative gains. The invention of tea is as old as Shen Nung, a Chinese Emperor of 2737 BC. In the Chinese, tea leaves are described as beverages, coming from the Chinese word "tchai, cha, and tay". From the east to the west, tea became popular to serve as a drink. Tea has been a refreshing drink without knowing its benefits and harms. Tea leaves contain a high level of antioxidants, which distinguishes them from common beverages. This rich level of antioxidants reduces the risk of different diseases in human bodies. Beauty Treatment with Tea: Tea leaves is considered a fat-reducing agent and is high in antioxidant properties. Tea leaves is also used in beauty treatments. In the market, anti-oxidant beauty products have gained entry, which are enriched in one of their ingredients, tea. For women, beauty packs, beauty masks, face-washe

Heal eating Wheat Grass

Health Recovery with Chlorophyll Wheat grass is the natural nutrient that has the best nutrient value. This is enriched with protein, vitamins, and fiber-essentials for the human body. This wheat grass contains chlorophyll, which is good for healthy living. The fibre and the chlorophyll in the wheat grass act as detoxifying agents. Chlorophyll in the wheat grass extract has no side effects when taken crude. Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. in the American Journal of Surgery (1940) recommended chlorophyll for its antiseptic value. Wheat grass is also known as the "Panacea on Earth". It has a rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll and dietary fiber. Wheat grass can be taken in powder form or by extracting its juice. Wheatgrass Advantages -Wheat grass is an excellent body cleanser when poured on the body in a bath tub and then rinsed with water after 20 minutes. -Wheat grass paste mixed with milk applied on the face has a beautification value. Acne, b

Far Infrared Ray: A Healing Ray

A Step Towards Health and Wellness   This is a natural therapy and also produced by Bio-ceramics, which enhances the body's micro-circulatory system and also strengthens the metabolic system, improving the body's resistance power. In ancient times, people believed that exposure to sunshine could enhance health and this is the reason sunbath came into existence. An infrared ray is an invisible ray produced by the sun that is completely healthy and safe for all living things. This is a part of the sun's thermal energy. It penetrates deep into the skin. This energy is essential as well as harmless for the human body. Longer exposure to far infrared heat is a supplement reason for a healthy life.   Ancient Recognition of Far Infrared Theory: Ancient traditions in China use "Palm Healing", which is based on the theory that far infrared emits energy. Today, the "Reiki" therapist also follows the FIR theory. Research conducted in Taiwan has measured sig

Banana packed with...

Bananas are packed with potassium, a mineral electrolyte that keeps electricity flowing throughout the body. This is required to keep the heart beating. Bananas are high in potassium and low in sodium content and help protect the cardiovascular system against high blood pressure, according to the FDA. As a good dietary source of potassium, bananas are beneficial for maintaining healthy kidneys. A study in women determined that those who ate bananas 2–3 times per week were 33% less likely to develop kidney disease. Potassium and magnesium in bananas are blamed for the sleepy feeling. It relaxes your muscles and gives you a peaceful sleep. Potassium is very important for the function of nerve, cell, and muscle, but it's also possible to get too much potassium. Kidney damage from chronic kidney disease patients can affect how well the kidneys remove extra potassium from your blood. High levels of potassium in the blood can be dangerous for kidney disease patients. Ripe ba

You Must Know the Benefits Coconut oil holds

 Y ou must keep Coconut Oil in your kitchen Coconut oil is an edible oil derived from the coconut. Because of its unique benefits it is called and marketed as the superfood. Coconut oil is high in saturated fats. And these fats have different effects in the body when compared with most other dietary fats. Coconut oil is a white solid fat, temperatures of around 25° C it melts. And, in warmer climates it is a clear thin liquid oil. Coconut oil  has a  pH  of 7-8 and a healthy skin's natural  pH  is around 5. This means that  coconut oil  is essentially 100-1,000 times more alkaline and it work wonder in your skin. The combination of fatty acids in coconut oil has positive effects on your health, such as boosting fat loss, brain function and heart health.   Virgin Coconut oil benefits: ·       The fatty acids in coconut oil encourages your body to burn fat. They raise HDL (good) cholesterol in your blood, which helps in reducing the risk heart disease. They also raise HDL (