
Matcha : The Magic Drink for your Heart

What is matcha? Matcha vs. green tea Matcha tea is a type of green tea that grinds young tea leaves into a bright green powder. Then stir the powder with hot water. This is different from ordinary green tea, in which the leaves are immersed in water and then taken out. The best matcha powder comes from Japan, where it has been cultivated for centuries and is part of the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Drinking brewed green tea is "a bit like boiling spinach, stirring the spinach, and then just drinking water." "You will get nutrition, but you will throw away the some part." Matcha, you are drinking the whole tea. Matcha leaves grow on green tea bushes in the shade. Shading increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves, which makes them bright green and rich in nutrients. Pick the leaves by hand, removing the stems and veins. Traditionally, the leaves are ground into an ultra-fine powder with granite.It takes an hour to grind the leaves, and it is done in th

Pay attention to the Massege Dreams has your Solution

Dreams tell you what you really need to know about  things. They  guide you in what you want for the growth,  integration, expression and health of your relationships,  places and things.  .. When we talk  a bout  making our dreams              come true, we are talking about our ambitions. But there is another facet of coin – when we fast asleep we dream and many times this dream gives a clue of happening or either say, it tells you what is coming your way. The Dream as a supernatural indication ordirection given to us when we are asleep. In all the religion all over the world consider dream as a direction provided from God. So, imagine that your dream can tell you something very important about how you feel in your life. Other common dream's  include chasing, gnashing of teeth, or feeling embarrassed. All of these dreams indicate a form of weakness or a feeling of insecurity.   A few  years ago, a  study from Johns  Hopkins University found that pregnant women had a  hunch  

Beauty with Aloe vera

Aloe vera  is an ornamental and medicinal plant and  is a good source of antioxidants and vitamins that helps to protect your skin. It has a history of traditional use by Native Americans for stomach disorders, intestinal disorders even constipation, haemorrhoids, as well as colon problems.  It is a natural cleaner, powerful in penetrating tissues. relieving pain associated with joints and muscles, bactericidal, a strong antibiotic,  fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, increasing circulation to the area,  Aloe vera have also been shown neutralizing the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It also repairs your skin from existing UV damage, and help prevent fine lines and wrinkles. You can apply aloe vera gel on your face twice every day, it has no harmful effect. Your skin will be moisturised and will be free of blemishes and scars.  It has healing properties to improve the skin impurities.   It is suitable for all skin types and also those who have sensitive skin as well.   In rese

Health solution is in Your Kitchen

 Eating more garlic Garlic has been a part of the kitchen for hundreds of years. This herb has curative and medicative properties owing to its antibacterial drug and antiseptic nature. Garlic is full of vitamins B and C, manganese, selenium, iron, copper, and metal, and overall protection for your heart, together with reduced steroid alcohol and lowered pressure. It promotes heart health. In fact, it’s been found that those that have lower force per unit area are more likely to consume garlic in their diet. Consumption of garlic reduces the incidence of blood clots. Garlic additionally lowers the pressure, so it is sweet for patients with high blood pressure. reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. Phytochemicals are chemical compounds found in plants that defend cells from the harm that causes cancer. Garlic promotes brain health owing to its inhibitory and anti-inflammatory properties. Because of its high quantity of antioxidants, garlic prote

Blue coloured Unusual Planet Uranus

Uranus     is the seventh planet from the Sun. The first planet found with the help of a telescope, Uranus, was discovered in 1781 by an astronomer named William Herschel, although he originally thought it was either a comet or a star. But, after two years, it was universally accepted as a planet. Uranus is four times than that of the Earth.   The planet's name is derived from The planet was named for Uranus, the Greek god of the sky, as suggested by the astronomer Johann Bode. Johann Bode was the astronomer who observed this planet after William Herschel. According to Greek mythology, the name is a reference to the Greek god of the sky,  Uranus , who was the grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter) and the father of Cronus (Saturn).   Uranus' Atmosphere- It is the third-largest planet in the Solar System. Uranus is the cold planet in the solar system. It is very cold and windy. The planet's mass is made up of a hot, dense fluid of "icy" materials, i.e., water, methane, and

Lose weight eating MORE calories

  The normal fitness wisdom is that eating fewer calories will assist you in shedding pounds. However, a nutritionist has clarified that the converse is in reality evident. A nutritionist says fitness is all about the food choices you need to remain satiated for a longer time and, at the same time, decrease cravings while you get the nutrient supplements required. Do you say yourself a fitness freak? In order to lose weight , cut off your eating habits and rely on major salad s.  A smart diet plan revolves entirely around fitness and fitness. A British nutritionist, Tamara Willner, supported a smart dieting plan. Second Nature clarified that low-calorie diets and calorie tallying are just momentary arrangements. The dietary benefit of the food you are eating guarantees you will stay more full for a longer period of time.   Tamara Willner uncovers the food trades you can make assuming you need to drop the pounds and keep them off, and clarifies why low-calorie suppers aren't th

Understanding what Color Says

  Color psychology suggests that different shades of colors could have a wide range of effects, from boosting your moods to causing anxiety. But can the colour of the products you purchase say something about your personality trait ? For example, could the color of the car you bought somehow relate to some underlying personality traits or quirks? Your colour preferences when buying items might say something about the type of image you may be trying to project.  Color preferences, from the clothes you wear to the car you drive, can sometimes make a statement about how we want other people to perceive us.  Other factors, like age, and gender also have an influence in your  choice of color you make. White : As many of our readers have suggested, the colour white can feel fresh and clean. The colour is often used to evoke a sense of youth and modernity.  Black : Our readers often describe black as a "powerful" color, which might be the reason why black is the most popular c