Communication Strengthen Goodwill


Communication has its own significant value in the corporate business world. This is an exchange of information and a continuous process. With the expansion of business communication, it also becomes a responsibility towards the employees, clients, and society as a whole. Good communication contributes to the success of the organization, contributing to the success of the organization. The written form of communication, whenever it is sent, strengthens goodwill and aids in the development of the organizational image.This may be in the form of letters or emails. This makes a positive impression and gets the response one wants easily. It is proved that the pen is mightier than the sword, and in an analogy, it is also true that words are the mightier influencer and persuader. Therefore, the selection of words and their placement also make a difference.

When a message is created and sent, it has a definite purpose. The purpose is targeted and the words being selected in the message lead the direction to fulfill the motive. Common sentence structures are regularly in use with no flow of extempore words; this type of mail communication loses its value.

The business letter needs to have some characteristics:

Clarity, conciseness, persuasiveness, accuracy, and grammar
The primary goal of written communication is to sell—to achieve clarity, impact, and influence. Clarity, informational, decent and confident letters are a mark of difference whenever they are being drafted.

An organization involved in many types of written communication, e.g., e-mails, official letters, memos, agenda, manuals, reports, promotional letters, business letters etc. Though the means are different, the ends have a definite goal.

Written words may mean nothing to the reader but the rearrangement of words. The message, which is a creative, organized, and structured set of humbly built sentences, carries the perusal for the positive feedback from the reader. It is a motivational promotion of a team when it comes to the sales department in an organization.

Communications are important in

-Establishing brand image
initial source of information.
Communication also has a crucial role in altering an individual's attitudes.
-Communication helps you in socializing.
-Assists in promoting the sales
-Assists in building a personal image.
-It's a tool to control and initialize the process towards the end.
Finally, help in getting the feedback.

The power and impact of written communication are visible in the feedback response. The motive behind it is to get acquainted and accepted. The reader has two options: to accept or to reject them. In terms of sales achievement, greetings mail works wonders in terms of persuasion. This type of communication is a great tool to get to know and understand the company you are representing. Written words have an influential impact on making your team lead towards achieving the goal.

Generally, written communication requires a professional touch with the necessary information and transparency enriched with decent and extempore words with effective expressions. This is where the organization's image may stagnantly rule. With these, the major value additions necessary are accuracy, neatness, contemporary flow, and right punctuation. Altogether, it does portray an image of the sender or represent the organization in the company image perusal graph.

A slight mistake in spelled words or a blot of printer ink visibility can send the wrong portrayal of the organization as a whole as well as the sender of the letter. And the organization's image recovery takes a significant amount of time to revive in an individual's mindset.

Mr. Ray, Sr.Manager, Corporate Marketing, Apollo Groups of Hospitals, strictly persuade the organization's outgoing promotional letters to establish the brand as well as an ethical image over its customers.

A good message is persuasive and readily brings value to the job for which it was directed. Ethical value means much in companies, and it is required to be established and maintained by the employees who transact with clients through the mail.

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