“TEA”: A Drink for Reducing the health factor

Tea for Healthy Reasons

Tea is a refreshing drink through the ages, but very little percentage of the tea-drinking population counts its qualitative gains. The invention of tea is as old as Shen Nung, a Chinese Emperor of 2737 BC. In the Chinese, tea leaves are described as beverages, coming from the Chinese word "tchai, cha, and tay". From the east to the west, tea became popular to serve as a drink. Tea has been a refreshing drink without knowing its benefits and harms. Tea leaves contain a high level of antioxidants, which distinguishes them from common beverages. This rich level of antioxidants reduces the risk of different diseases in human bodies.

Beauty Treatment with Tea:

Tea leaves is considered a fat-reducing agent and is high in antioxidant properties. Tea leaves is also used in beauty treatments. In the market, anti-oxidant beauty products have gained entry, which are enriched in one of their ingredients, tea. For women, beauty packs, beauty masks, face-washes and different other products have taken entry. These products keep the skin healthy, acne-free, and blemish-free. This anti-oxidant is also a preventive measure for skin diseases. It also aids in wrinkle-free skin by providing moisture in the dry ramp environment. Green tea is also good for skin. Moreover, the green tea leaves are used as a beauty treatment face mask to make skin smooth, healthy and glowing. It can be used as a gentle exfoliant and can be applied to spots and blemishes.also used in the treatment of sunburn.

Tea Burns Fat:

In one of the studies, it was found that tea fights fat and slows fat formation. Tea leaves is also a secret to burning fat and reducing weight gain. Very few people are aware of the magnificent secret of tea leaves benefits for healthy reasons. Almost for all diseases, it has been a preventive measure.

Benefits of tea drinking which one should be aware of:

-Reduce heart disease: Tea helps abate cholesterol and helps in the increase of HDL.

-Tea leaves are good for the heart.

-Fight Cavity: prevent plaque formation.

-Reduce the risk of neurological diseases

Reduce cardiovascular disease:

-Reduces the chances of rheumatoid arthritis by 60 percent less than those who don't drink.

-Preventive measure of all cancer risks, skin diseases, and other diseases

-Reduce the growth of fat cells and break the fat cells.

-Regulates blood sugar levels and lowers food cravings

-Fight flu

Different Findings on the Benefits of Tea Consumption:

In several studies, the findings have been compiled and listed.

  • Recently, researchers found tea to be the secret to fat burning. The compounds found in tea are Theaflavins and Thearubigins. When these supplements are given to rats, weight gain stops, according to the Journal of Nutrition.

-Harvard's Women's Health Watch, September 2004, The press release provides the reason to drink.Green tea benefits of drinking are due to the high content of flavonoids (anti-oxidants). These plants are also the sources of catechins, which are more powerful than vitamins C and E in halting oxidative damage to cells. GreenTea leaves also has disease-fighting properties. It reduces the risk of cancers, including skin, breast, lungs, colon, bladder, and esophageal. Another benefit is that consumers of green or black tea have a reduced risk of heart disease. Antioxidants in tea block the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and increase HDL (good cholesterol).

Another study published online in the journal of Neurology (Diane Alter-AHN News Reporter, Boston, MA, United States): Regular consumption of favonoid-rich foods or beverages lowers the risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

AOL Breaking News:Proteins in milk neutralize the tea's fat-fighting and also cholesterol-blocking properties. In a previous study by a German health food company (2009), they found Chinese white tea reduces the growth of new fat cells and breaks down fat in the cells. Beiersdorf AG published journals on nutrition and metabolism that published the same findings.

  • Green Tea, according to Penn State Food Scientists, slows weight loss and fights obesity.

Findings of the study done on mice by Joshua Lambert If supplied in the body, EGCG is a compound found in most green teas. If supplied in the body, EGCG is found to gain weight slowly. As Joshua Lambert (assistant professor of food science in the agricultural sciences) says, EGCG reduces the ability of fat absorption and enhances the ability to use fat as an energy source. Green tea does not suppress hunger. According to one study, drinking a few cups of green tea can help you lose weight.According to the human data, drinking two or more cups of tea per day has a greater effect than not drinking tea at all.

Tea's Advantages:

There is immense healing potential in the tea for the disease and also for reducing the risk in human life for better living. 

Tea is good for oral health; it prevents teeth from cavities and plaque formation, and regular rinsing with it regularly prevents gum disease. 

"We have found out that the antioxidant in black tea suppresses the growth of bacteria in the mouth that causes cavities and gum disease," says Christine Wu, a professor at the University of Illionis at Chicago College of Dentistry. As per Wu's studies, polypheonols in black tea are the elements that suppress the bacteria producing acid and causing cavities. The formation of sticky material which binds the plaque to teeth and the bacterial enzymes is also greatly affected by the antioxidant present in black tea.

 Regular drinking of tea may produce stronger bones. Higher bone mineral density in the spines is found in regular tea drinkers. Studies say the risk factor decreases by up to 50% on two and a half cups of tea per day. It even lowers the risk of high blood pressure. The risk of getting neurological disorders is also minimized.


----- “TEA”: A Drink for Reducing the health factor

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