Heal eating Wheat Grass

Health Recovery with Chlorophyll

Wheat grass is the natural nutrient that has the best nutrient value. This is enriched with protein, vitamins, and fiber-essentials for the human body. This wheat grass contains chlorophyll, which is good for healthy living. The fibre and the chlorophyll in the wheat grass act as detoxifying agents. Chlorophyll in the wheat grass extract has no side effects when taken crude. Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. in the American Journal of Surgery (1940) recommended chlorophyll for its antiseptic value. Wheat grass is also known as the "Panacea on Earth". It has a rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll and dietary fiber. Wheat grass can be taken in powder form or by extracting its juice.

Wheatgrass Advantages

  • -Wheat grass is an excellent body cleanser when poured on the body in a bath tub and then rinsed with water after 20 minutes.

  • -Wheat grass paste mixed with milk applied on the face has a beautification value. Acne, black heads, and tan problems can be treated as it is an antiseptic.
  • Wheat grass is high in magnesium content. They are  helpful in restoring fertility. 

  • -The chlorophyll detoxifies the body and purifies the liver. It also removes the foul odor of breath and sweat.
  • The wheat grass is also taken for skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, and it also prevents premature greying of hair.

  • -It is effective in reducing weight loss.
  • -It detoxifies colon walls and helps with digestive disorders. It is also good for constipation.
  • Grass heals the blood disorder and increases the haemoglobin and blood count in the body.
  • Chlorophyll present in the wheat grass reduces the effects of radiation on cancer patients. 

  • -The fibre in the wheat grass helps in controlling the sugar level and also controls the cholesterol level too. 
  • Wheat grass strengthens the immune system.

The dietary fibre in wheat grass helps in regulating the blood sugar level by delaying carbohydrate absorption, therefore making it beneficial for diabetics. As the wheat grass is purely from nature, and the juice extract or dietary fiber is excellent for consumption, There are no negative consequences to the same. The detoxification and cleansing properties of wheat grass heal the body and restore the proper function of the body to normal living. These can prevent the body from getting diseases.


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