
Color selected displays about Personality

  Color Psychology as Therapy Using secure shades between absolute conditions is a great benefit. Each color describes the person's personality according to the color he selects. Deep down in the innermost part of your unconscious mind, you are prompted to get into your favourite selective color, which in turn speaks about your persona. In a lifetime, a person may have different favourite colors depending on the ups and downs of their life. Researchers and experts have made important discoveries and observations about the psychology of color and the effect it has on moods, feelings, and behavior. Colors in the red area of the colour spectrum are known as "warm colors" and it include red, orange, yellow.  Warm colors evoke warm emotions, ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility.   Colors on the blue side of the spectrum are known as cool colors and include blue, purple, and green. These colors are often described as calm, but c

Slow the Aging Process

  In terms of weight loss benefits, research has shown intermittent fasting has an anti-aging effect and can improve physical and mental health, says-Luke Corey, a registered dietitian with Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine and sports nutritionist with the Minnesota Timberwolves. The  aerobic exercises  also reverse the cells' and tissues' reversing capabilities. With intermittent fasting and exercise, the restriction of food intake is also an important part. It is also critical to consume dietary and nutrient-rich foods in order to reverse the aging process. Water intake is also important in the age-reversible process of excreting the waste in the body.   Can we slow down or reverse these aging effects? Researchers promote exercise for "promoting health span and giving people disease-free years." This ultimately "slows down the degenerative process". But as per the new research, it has been found that aerobic exercise may not only slow down the effects of agin

Fashion and Style : Walk in Confidence (for Women)

  Fashion doesn’t mean expensive clothing with a differentiated look all the time when you are around the public. Fashion means the good sense of dressing in an elegant and presentable way. Fashion counts on the way you carry yourself with your kind of elegance in the world around you. You can construct that kind of elegance through your selection and approach. Fashion doesn’t only refer to the apparel you wear but also the way you carry yourself. The whole presentable self is under check. Your auspicious smile, persona, and attitude all matter in creating fashion and style as well. Money is impeachable, the second kind, which, of course, makes you confident, and if you think expensive apparel will get you appreciation, of course yes... for a very limited time. On the contrary, your carefully chosen close-fitting clothing in your closets provides you with a foundation on which to build confidence. Expensive clothes don’t add much value to your confidence in fashion style, but the ma

Self Motivation all you need

  Motivating yourself is a bit difficult, but not impossible. For achieving the set goal, motivation is extremely necessary, whether it is concerning weight loss, study, work, etc. You are required to set a goal first to achieve it. Make a clear, actionable end goal that you can pursue and achieve. Once the goal is set, there are only two possibilities – whether you drop in the middle, thinking it is tough, or you target and determine to achieve it. Motivation gives you that extra push to get your job done. You need to have a clear plan and visualize obtaining your goal. After having this clear visualization, for self motivation you are required to decide ahead of time how you will deal with setbacks. There are plans for problems and obstacles before they occur. This will prepare you to deal with them instead of letting them get in the way of your work. You have to plot your progress to determine its finish point. It is not available easily and doesn't always come when you need

Pay attention :Dream carries a divine guidance

  Why do you see dreams? Many times, God used dreams to communicate his will, reveal plans, and predict future events. Speaking in a dream is common in almost all religions and sects around the world, but people hardly give ear to the dreams they see while asleep. It is ignored and let go unnoticed, visualised as a mere waste. Dreams are the key to reality, which if we decode it in the right way, leads to success. Many people in the past came across the answer lying in their dreams. Dreams were the source of the inventions of many inventors in the past. It is simply a question of how we analyze and interpret it. Freud says, "Dreams are merely electrical brain impulses which pull random thoughts and images from our memories." Again, he says, dreams reveal supressed wishes. Yes, agreed upon at times.You are hungry and you see yourself eating in your dream, or you are extremely thirsty and you see in your dream that you are drinking water from a river. Likewise, dreams seen

Castor Oil has powerful natural healing properties

  Castor oil is a laxative and a natural moisturizer. Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid. It is a monounsaturated fatty acid that promotes wound healing. It also has anti-inflammatory  effects, fights fungus, and keeps the skin and scalp healthy. Castor oil  is a natural thick oil and is often used by mixing a few drops of other essential oils in order to make it thin. It can also be used as a remedy for dry skin as a massage  oil . How to use castor oil   Urinary tract infections Castor oil  is a distinct remedy for  vaginal  and urinary tract infections,  genital  itching, vaginitis, and vulval itching.    Fungal infections Castor oil  is enriched with antifungal properties, which aid in killing fungal micro-organisms. The undecylenic acid in it makes the remedy ideal for numerous types of  fungal  infections, including yeast infections, athlete's foot, and ringworm.     Menstrual cramps: One good way to get rid of  menstrual cramps  with castor oil is by massa

Return of Apophis: Will it Crash on Earth

  Scientists prepare for their last good look at asteroid Apophis before its 2029 flyby. Astronomers first spotted the space rock, now known as Apophis, in 2004. It passed by in the year 2021, and once again will be uncomfortably close to Earth on April 13, 2029. Apophis will skim so close to the Earth that it will pass through the realm of high-altitude satellites. Researchers say it will not hit the Earth. The observations gathered in 2021 help them calculate its next approach when it will pass close to Earth. But scientists are positive that it will not hit Earth. The basis for their saying is the study that they conducted when Apophis passed by the Earth. Scientists use it as a powerful tool for studying asteroids from Earth and processing the data. They study pointing a powerful radar beam at an object while using a sensitive radio telescope to catch the echo bounced back. Scientists' priority while preparing for the 2029 Apophis flyby is to sharpen their view of th