Pay attention :Dream carries a divine guidance

 Why do you see dreams?

Many times, God used dreams to communicate his will, reveal plans, and predict future events. Speaking in a dream is common in almost all religions and sects around the world, but people hardly give ear to the dreams they see while asleep. It is ignored and let go unnoticed, visualised as a mere waste.

Dreams are the key to reality, which if we decode it in the right way, leads to success. Many people in the past came across the answer lying in their dreams. Dreams were the source of the inventions of many inventors in the past. It is simply a question of how we analyze and interpret it.

Freud says, "Dreams are merely electrical brain impulses which pull random thoughts and images from our memories." Again, he says, dreams reveal supressed wishes.

Yes, agreed upon at times.You are hungry and you see yourself eating in your dream, or you are extremely thirsty and you see in your dream that you are drinking water from a river. Likewise, dreams seen today nullifies the meaning behind the  dreams which you see at night.

But the question is, what do you think dreams are?


There is a certain religion which says dreams carry information and messages.



"A dream sometimes is divine guidance and glory from God, sometimes is sorrow from the devil. And sometimes there are conflicts between daily life or past events. In these types of dreams, you can learn something about the future either directly or after interpreting it.


According to Hindu astrological science, dreams and signs manifest on the basis of past deeds and are indicators of the good and bad.

For a Hindu, dream interpretation provides a window into the future. Objects, characters, and emotions that are visualized in a person's dreams have a symbolic meaning and need to be analysed and interpreted. Some are harbingers of great luck or grave danger, and others can predict a mix of fortunes.


In the Old Testament alone, there are more than 120 mentions of dreams. All mentions dream are used to provide instruction directly from God and foretell about the future.


Dreams tell you what you really want to know about, anything that you really feel. They lead you toward what you need for growth, integration, expression, and relationship health with a person, place, or thing. Today, when we talk about our dreams coming true, we're talking about our ambitions. However, your dreams matter a lot because they can perfectly guide you on which path you should take in any situation. It can predict the result, which is uncertain beforehand.


This is because God uses many different means to contact us—he may contact us through another person, an image, a phrase, a feeling, or even a dream. Don't think your repeating dreams are not important. The repeating dream is the seal of stability that cannot be changed. They may often leave lingering feelings in your heart. Don't ignore these feelings, and act on the dream.


Every day after getting up, try to remember the dreams that carry some message indefinitely.

If you believe God is communicating with you through your dreams, here are four ways to find out:

-Make a record of repetitive dreams.

-Pay attention to the symbols seen in your dreams. 

Heed the messages you hear in your dreams. 

-Pray and ask for the heavenly interpretation.

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