Fashion and Style : Walk in Confidence (for Women)

 Fashion doesn’t mean expensive clothing with a differentiated look all the time when you are around the public. Fashion means the good sense of dressing in an elegant and presentable way. Fashion counts on the way you carry yourself with your kind of elegance in the world around you. You can construct that kind of elegance through your selection and approach. Fashion doesn’t only refer to the apparel you wear but also the way you carry yourself. The whole presentable self is under check. Your auspicious smile, persona, and attitude all matter in creating fashion and style as well.

Money is impeachable, the second kind, which, of course, makes you confident, and if you think expensive apparel will get you appreciation, of course yes... for a very limited time. On the contrary, your carefully chosen close-fitting clothing in your closets provides you with a foundation on which to build confidence.

Expensive clothes don’t add much value to your confidence in fashion style, but the major value addition is your personality as a whole. When you are out in the crowd, how expensive your apparel is matters a little. Only one thing matters: how you carry yourself and the dress that is on you. In the crowd, what matters most is your make-up, dress, smile, and attitude. This is expressed loudly.

The fact is, when you change your attitude and change your way of thinking, you get more creative and innovative, and then you see the difference. When you walk out in public, your varied color matching in your clothing reveals the true you and your confidence.


The major areas you should look for change are mentioned below.

  1. Put on your makeup properly:

This is one of the criteria for being confident. When you present yourself while hiding the scars and blemishes under the makeup, it makes a greater difference in your persona. Light, unnoticeable make-up is recommended with a tint of blusher. Eye makeup to enhance your eyes because the eyes speak... Your eyes are the light of your body, which lightens up with your smile. Lips are required to be filled with the expressive colours that are appropriate. Much darker shades of lipstick usually define a ruthless type of character, but when worn at night, the darker shade melts. An appropriate shade of lipstick is advisable, which enhances your look when compared to the dress you wore.

Which perfume suits me? A light scent of perfume is a must when presenting yourself. A heavy blend of perfume can send the wrong message. Soft perfumed fragrances portray the soft and tender sides of personality, but a hard fragrance type perfume sends the image of an emotionally hard and tough personality. Perfume also becomes your signature. The perfect fragrance reflects your personality and preferences. Choosing a certain fragrance contains the fragrance notes and is a fantastic way to surround yourself all day long. The person who interacted with you recollects your presence in his memory whenever he gets the smell of the perfume you wore on your first meeting. Therefore, it is recommended that you not change the brand of your perfume. Keep your signature constant.

Nails also play a major role in enhancing your personality, helping you to walk with confidence. The nails should be groomed perfectly. They should not be too big, as this makes them look unappealing. Nails also carry the message. If the nails are too long, then the message will be negatively delivered to the 'witches’ kind.

For your personality development, foot wear is equally important when you want to walk with confidence. You are incorrect if you believe that no one notices your footwear and feet. People judge you by looking at your feet. There should be proper foot wear to match your dress. It does not have to be new, but properly kept and clean. So, as your feet, they should be neatly painted and kept properly, with trimmed nails.


2. Apparel Options:

You must be very careful on deciding on your personality ,because every single details matters. When selecting your apparel according to your body type, it is not necessary for the apparel to be expensive, but it should fit your body. While selecting your appeal, you need to consider the color, texture, and design of the apparel. The more fashionable it is, the more it will reflect on you. I recommend not going for hip-hop clothes, which will convey a negative message about you.

People recognise you by your outfit, not the real you. Therefore, you need to realise the fact that what you want to reveal to people about yourself is not The outfit also speaks about your motherland or your attachment to the specific culture. For example, when you are dressed in a saree, people will know whether you are an Indian or love the Indian culture.

The colour of the apparel also matters. The vibrant colour is good, but you need to be judgemental about the situation, atmosphere, and place to wear it. For example, in the office, it is always good to wear something that is soothing in the office culture.

Accessories like jewelry and handbags also have equal importance. Jewellery is considered important, but its selection is dependent on the situation, atmosphere, and location. In the work place, the light jewellery you can wear or, other wise, the jewellery is to be considered according to your selection of the kind of apparel. It is entirely up to you how you match your clothing.

Handbags are also an integral part of achieving your confidence. It is recommended. Investing in a high-quality handbag will enhance your image significantly.


  1. Dress neatly and properly pressed:

The dress you are wearing should be neat and ironed (levelled). Remember, you have to build your personality positively.


  1. Nicely groomed hair: Hair styling

Messy hair adds negativity to your overall personality. You are required to groom your hair properly. The hair is required to be trimmed properly. For any mess, you need to have a comb in your handbag to get the hair right in place.


  1. Your outward appearance

Your personality has a life when your true self is concerned, you need to select what you wish to portray: the feminine touch or a stronger part of you. Walking in confidence, you attribute equal importance.

People should not describe you as heartless, emotionless, hard-hearted, impatient, blabbering, ruthless, lacking common sense, rude speaker, fighter, liar, ingratitude, shameless, drunkard, and arrogant.

Build the attributes that are good. Always do good. Build your character up and you will walk with confidence. People should not be pointing fingers at your upbringing. Your character point towards your parents? Fear God in all things and bring Positivity into your attributes and attitude, and you will be given a name and walk confidently.



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