Self Motivation all you need


Motivating yourself is a bit difficult, but not impossible. For achieving the set goal, motivation is extremely necessary, whether it is concerning weight loss, study, work, etc. You are required to set a goal first to achieve it. Make a clear, actionable end goal that you can pursue and achieve.

Once the goal is set, there are only two possibilities – whether you drop in the middle, thinking it is tough, or you target and determine to achieve it. Motivation gives you that extra push to get your job done. You need to have a clear plan and visualize obtaining your goal. After having this clear visualization, for self motivation you are required to decide ahead of time how you will deal with setbacks. There are plans for problems and obstacles before they occur. This will prepare you to deal with them instead of letting them get in the way of your work. You have to plot your progress to determine its finish point.

It is not available easily and doesn't always come when you need it.But Motivation is the key factor where you need to hold on. If you're struggling to start or complete a task, you yourself have to be encouraged to keep going. Leaving your near and dear ones behind, very few people will provide you with encouragement or motivation. Of course, if you are God-fearing, you can pray for his sustainable help. If you have long-term plans, make sure you have crystal clear and manageable goals. There are different types of motivation that can help you better. Self-motivation is a different concept from motivation, where you are the guilty party and you are on the judgment seat. In this way, you can maintain your motivation throughout the process.

Motivating yourself is not a easy path to walk in but toughest as it could be. This is because a single negative word would demoralise you. Quite often word of motivation spoken to self listening could keep you going in midst of negativity.

13 Ways of Self-Motivation:

  1. When you determine to go for the achievement, this is where you win the first stage of conquering ground. Do not run away.


  1. Elimination: Eliminate the things that are distractive to you and focus on a single thing for goal achievement.


  1. Set discipline and a routine for yourself: Build a schedule for you. Keep your discipline and routine consistent from day to day. If you have a disciplined life, accomplishing the goal will be a piece of cake. Even if you're not feeling it, a routine can help you get right to the platform.

   Seek People: Look for the people in your life who will motivate and inspire you.

Set a reminder for yourself: Remind yourself why you want to achieve your goal. We sometimes need a little push to get started on a task.


  1. Every day, first thing in the morning, state your goal aloud...


  1. Build a vision board on goal-setting on the wall: Write down the goal to be achieved on a chart paper or vision board in an enhanced way just to remind you each time your eyes go. To motivate yourself tell yourself the amazing benefits of getting it done everyday. Setting a reminder is the best way to get motivated for what you really care about.


  1. Division of the goal into segments: It is a good thing to break your day into smaller segments. Working can be dealt with ease and segmenting the tasks will lessen your burden. You can quickly build momentum.


  1. Make your activities fun. Find a way to make the task more exciting. You might include other people or challenge yourself indifferently.


10. Increase your self-confidence by telling yourself that you can achieve your goal. To motivate yourself, give yourself positive affirmations. Remember that you can get this task done only if you put your mind and heart to it. Remove negative words and negative people from your vocabulary and replace them with positive ones. Surround yourself with positive people.


  1. Boost yourself with motivation: Set a reminder of the day and hour when you are done with your targeted assignment. The reward you are supposed to get afterward You’re feeling a greater satisfaction that will keep you going on your next project.


    12. Join a working group that focuses on the same activity: The same working group             can give  you  a morale boost, support, feedback, and praise to keep you                                  moving forward. Look for groups online or in    your area, or through social media, or                 check with your local community centre.


Review your goals: This is also an integral part of a target achievement to review and evaluate if the project is undermined or aligned for success. Make your goal S.M.A.R.T. (Be Specific, Attainable, Measurable,  Realistic, and Time-sensitive-to manage time). And finally, hold yourself accountable for the mess-up, if any.





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