Slow the Aging Process


In terms of weight loss benefits, research has shown intermittent fasting has an anti-aging effect and can improve physical and mental health, says-Luke Corey, a registered dietitian with Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine and sports nutritionist with the Minnesota Timberwolves.

The aerobic exercises also reverse the cells' and tissues' reversing capabilities. With intermittent fasting and exercise, the restriction of food intake is also an important part. It is also critical to consume dietary and nutrient-rich foods in order to reverse the aging process. Water intake is also important in the age-reversible process of excreting the waste in the body.


Can we slow down or reverse these aging effects?

Researchers promote exercise for "promoting health span and giving people disease-free years." This ultimately "slows down the degenerative process". But as per the new research, it has been found that aerobic exercise may not only slow down the effects of aging, but reverse them. Is this possible?


A Study on Aerobic Exercise

A study focused on whether "aerobic exercise can cause old cells to get renewed -behave more like characteristics of – young cells." 

Aerobic exercise improves muscle stem cell function accelerating muscle tissue repair.

It has been seen that aerobic exercise has a type of rejuvenating effect on old cells.

It is like taking a person who has already aged and acquired diseases and then reversing that process.

An interesting thing was noted was that these "rejuvenating" benefits disappeared after one week of the person not exercising, implying that sustained exercise is the key to this anti-aging effect.

It was discovered was that these exercise effects on muscle stem cells and tissue repair come down to a tiny protein called cyclin D1.

Aerobic exercise restores these cyclin D1 levels in dormant stem cells back to youthful levels, thus effectively accelerating muscle stem cell regeneration.

This implies that jogging, swimming, cycling, and other aerobic activities can help older people recover as quickly and efficiently as their younger selves.

This study proved how important aerobic exercise is for everyone, whether old or young. The continuity of aerobics keeps one young and rejuvenates the cells and tissues.


      1. What do I need to avoid to look younger?


        Foods to Avoid

  • Doughnuts and sugary pastries.

        These are packed with sugar. Giancoli says- it may be linked to the development of wrinkles.

  • Bacon, pepperoni, and Hot dogs(Processed Meat).

        Processed meats are usually high in saturated fats and have nitrates in them. Sodium nitrate is a               chemical harmful to health, a preservative that is used in processed meats. Too much sodium nitrate may damage blood vessels, making arteries more likely to harden and narrow, leading to heart disease.

  • Meats are high in fat

        These are also high in saturated fats. However, meat without the fat is preferable, as it is protein.

  • Alcohol

        Excess alcohol is always dangerous for the damage of the kidneys.

                                 2.Does Fasting extends ones life?

With the aerobic exercise fasting is also required when you speak of extending life or reversing aging process. Intermittent fasting sets you right when extending lifespan is counted. Fasting and exercise is the two integral part proved scientifically through research which keep the fitness intact.

 New studies show that regular fasting is associated with lower rates of heart failure and a longer life. Fasting is a centuries-old debate about how fasting affects health.

Studies show fasting contributes to reductions in blood pressure, "bad" LDL cholesterol, and insulin resistance.

A 2017 study showed that alternate-day fasting is as effective as daily calorie restriction for losing weight and keeping the pounds off.

Routine fasters had a 71% lower rate of developing heart failure than non-fasters.

For instance, a common saying, they don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, and are slightly more physically active. It just makes sense that they're going to live longer and have a lower chance of heart disease. "

A number of hot diet trends encourage people to restrict their eating to a window of 8 to 12 hours and fast the remaining 12 to 16 hours. But participants in the two new studies fasted for even more hours each day.

"We think that long-term fasting of about one day or once a month is Over a period of decades, the body activates those beneficial mechanisms for a few hours each day between dinner and breakfast. Those hours build up over long periods of time and provide the benefits.

Fasting entails skipping breakfast in the morning (i.e., a window of 8–12 hours) and eating lunch by 12.00 p.m., followed by a slightly earlier dinner by 8:00 p.m.

                           3.Naturally you can look younger

Aging is a natural part of life that cannot be avoided but also cannot be postponed.

However, the foods that are considered eating can help your age better, both inside and out.


                            4. Foods that can make you look younger

  1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil.-      Filled with vitamin- E.
  1. Green Tea-   Flavonoids and antioxidants were depleted.
  1. Fatty Fish-      saturated with Omega fatty oils.
  1. Dark Chocolate or Cocoa.-   The chocolates are heart-healthy.
  1. Vegetables.-   It is high in fiber and beneficial to the stomach.
  1. Flaxseeds-   Omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin E are abundant.
  1. Pomegranates-Saturated with antioxidants
  1. Avocados- Saturated with antioxidants


                            5.Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

  • Coconut oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Moisturize.
  • Sunscreen
  • Cleaning of the skin is equally important to letting the waste out.
  • hydrate.
  • healthy diet.
  • Cold water tightens the pours in the skin, constricts the blood flow, which gives your skin a healthier glow.


                                6.Prevent premature aging of the skin.

  • Sunscreen should be applied to exposed skin.
  • Application of self-tanner .
  • If you smoke, stop smoking.
  • Avoid repetitive facial expressions.
  • Eat healthy, well-balanced diet.

         Drink less alcohol.


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