
Earthquake - You Must know before Its too late

A team of scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, California, has developed a new imaging technology that could lead to the prediction of earthquakes. The new airborne radar-based mapping technology allows scientists to see earthquake images on the ground for the first time. An earthquake is an extended release of energy , though the energy is released not only when the event occurs, but also in several stages before the earthquake. You can see and sense the appearance of abnormalities (thermal ions) in the atmosphere near the location and time of the earthquake. These abnormalities are detected only by the satellites. The prediction can be further distinguished from earth warning systems that, upon detection of an earthquake, provide a real-time warning of seconds to neighbouring regions that might be affected.   Scientific Methods of Prediction of an Earthquake:   Before the earthquake, there was a foreshock or minor shock. You will know about the

Plants You must keep in Your Room that produces Oxygen

Indoor plants as a part of interior décor: How to select plants for the décor inside your house. This is a common question which anybody will ask before placing them inside the house. When you think positively, all of the plants are beneficial, but you must be aware of their dangers . Keeping any plants in the house will harm them in the darkest hours of night. This is the question, and here is the answer that will scare you to the core. Then the question arises: what do I need to know about the plants to keep them indoors?   How to select an indoor plant for your décor: There is a traditional saying in the rural areas that people do not sleep under the stars at night. Why shouldn't we sleep under trees at night? Does this saying make any sense? The reason is appropriately correct and scientific.   All plants are good but cannot be kept inside your living area, especially at night. Plants release oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide at night. We know this. This release of oxyg

It will Wonder You to know the benefits of activated Charcoal

Research shows activated charcoal can absorb toxins from your body. Beauty experts say a charcoal face mask helps draw impurities and dirt from your skin. An accumulation of skin oils and bacteria can clog your pores, resulting in infections and breakouts. And hence, charcoal masks reduce acne breakouts by unclogging the pores of your skin. The antibacterial properties of activated charcoal help pull up the bacteria from the pores of the skin and help reduce sebum. This is how acne reduction happens, and it also improves the overall skin complexion. What is Activated Charcoal? Charcoal is considered "activated" when it is heated to a very high temperature, which changes its structure. Heating gives the fine carbon powder an extended surface area, which makes it more porous. Harnessing the use of activated carbon filters, comprise of a bulk of activated charcoal. This is not only help in improving  air quality, but water quality also .     Charcoal healthy ? To eliminate toxi

Intermittent Fasting means Health, Anti-aging and Longevity

"Starving Every Other Day Can Make You Live Longer." Intermittent fasting is the pattern of eating alternate days or between periods of fasting and usually means the consumption of water only. It is a process of testing on a semi-regular basis and it has been dominant in almost all the religions, which has its own implications in the spiritual context. One or the other, people have been connected to fasting, either spiritually or for physical health. The general view is that it is dietary control, but the other side of the coin is still unfamiliar to many. The alternate day fast helps you lose weight while also delaying age-related disease, increasing brain power, and controlling your life span. Findings in different research also indicated the lower risk of chronic diseases, Type II diabetics, cardiovascular disease, and cancer risk reduction.  "Starving every other day can make you live longer." -American government scientist says. The combination of Interm

Benefits of Paprika

    'Paprika ' spice made from grinding the dried ground red peppers. It has immensely high nutrient diet factors, i.e. iron, vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, potassium, dietary fiber. Paprika is a spice that usually comes in a sweet and hot variety, and it also varies in colors, e.g., red, yellow, orange, white, and green. Due to its taste and flavor, it is the king of every kitchen and is used in a variety of dishes.    Difference : Paprika and Chilly Paprika and chilly powder are nearly identical; both have a bright red color, but...Paprika is made of chilies or mixed chillies and has a kind of sweet taste. On the other hand, the chilli has a very hot, spicy pungent taste. It is usually very hot when compared to paprika. Paprika is a dried, ground spice from the plant Capsicum annuum. The paprika is mild and has thinner flesh.   Many people use paprika in a very different form, unaware of the beneficial compounds and micronutrients this spice has in itself. This spice has a

Dreams -A Coded language

  Dreams have a key to the future , and are related to your life. It is usually in the coded language .If you  pursue the dream you will learn what it is talking about. You disregard t the dreams which tells more about your future events. You considered it is mere dream, seen while resting in yours subconscious mind. Dreams are  considered  instructional, guiding as well as warning dreams.   Our great-grandfathers had a legitimate reason to believe the dreams, to act on the dreams.   How many times have you seen the dreams in which you have learned the specific of obtaining the residence on specific location or travelling abroad for specific purpose? How many times did a dream reveal to you that harm was ahead and warned you, but you never paid any attention? How many times have you tried to solve a problem at your office and, found yourself helpless? But in the quiet time of your rest in your sleep, you suddenly got the answer concerning the matter. Anyone born a genius?... b