It will Wonder You to know the benefits of activated Charcoal

Research shows activated charcoal can absorb toxins from your body. Beauty experts say a charcoal face mask helps draw impurities and dirt from your skin. An accumulation of skin oils and bacteria can clog your pores, resulting in infections and breakouts. And hence, charcoal masks reduce acne breakouts by unclogging the pores of your skin. The antibacterial properties of activated charcoal help pull up the bacteria from the pores of the skin and help reduce sebum. This is how acne reduction happens, and it also improves the overall skin complexion.

What is Activated Charcoal?

Charcoal is considered "activated" when it is heated to a very high temperature, which changes its structure. Heating gives the fine carbon powder an extended surface area, which makes it more porous.

Harnessing the use of activated carbon filters, comprise of a bulk of activated charcoal. This is not only help in improving  air quality, but water quality also .


 Charcoal healthy ?

To eliminate toxins and chemicals that are present in your body, taking a capsule of activated charcoal can flush your system, but it should be done on doctor's advice. This could also help with improving mental clarity, supporting a healthy digestive system, and minimising kidney and liver problems.

Activated charcoal also adsorbs the toxins found in pesticides, mercury, bleach, opium, morphine, other harmful drugs, alcoholic beverages, etc. In the ancient days, people experiencing poisoning or overdose of harmful substances were treated initially by intaking charcoal. Do not attempt to treat yourself with activated charcoal on your own without doctor's advice. There was a certain incident in the past where in-taking saved a human life from toxins.


Is charcoal an anti-fungal?


According to Dr. Barr, activated charcoal has "anti-fungal and antibacterial" properties. "Activated charcoal is also used, especially for gut issues, to influence the gut microbiome and to help get rid of toxins." It is a good absorbent to absorb the harmful substances in the gut.


Charcoal for all skin types

The activated charcoal is suitable for all skin types. You can use it as any skin care product as well as charcoal soap or liquid. It is an excellent cleanser and is one of the few that is suitable for every skin type. It has the power to extract excessive oil from oily skin and also moisturizes and nourishes dry skin. You will feel the skin breathing and cleaning and rejuvenating. 

"It can be used anytime from once to thrice a week, as it will cleanse your pores and neutralize toxins by absorbing them." --Dr. Shamban. "And it must not be used daily as it dries up the natural oils and moisture in your skin."

Activated charcoal is mixed into soaps, shampoos, and deodorants to help soak up smells and make them effective. Charcoal removes excess oil, reducing the appearance of existing blackheads, bacterial growth and dandruff, while also removing dead skin and preventing new acne from forming. Basically, it gives your pores a deep clean, removing dirt and bacteria. 

Charcoal draws out impurities from the skin and leaves you feeling extra clean.


 Face Mask 

Mix a teaspoon of Activated charcoal with water  forming a paste, and adding a teaspoon of honey. 

         Apply in  your face

Leave on for 5-10 minutes.


Skin rejuvenation:

Activated charcoal draws bacteria, toxins, dirt, and oil from the skin, making it rejuvenated. As a peel-off mask, it works as an exfoliant, removing the skin's dead cells. And the result is that you get skin that is very clean and clear. Powdered activated charcoal masks can reach deep into your clogged pores of dirt and clean impurities, restoring your skin's health. The impurities may be a build-up of infections that cause acne, whether it is blackheads or whiteheads causing imperfections. 

Activated charcoal is always known to work wonders when it comes to getting rid of acne and body odor. It cleans out all the impurities and bacteria that produce odor from the underarm, leaving you smelling fresh.


Removing dark spots

Activated charcoal detoxifies and brightens the skin's complexion. It also helps fade the appearance of dark spots and blemishes, making the skin look radiant. It carries the exfoliating and purifying properties of charcoal powder and removes the build-up of dirt, dead skin cells, lightning blemishes and excess oils from the skin's surface without stripping off the skin's natural oils.

Acne scars and blemishes can now be treated more easily by rubbing activated charcoal over your face to remove the scars and reveal new skin beneath.

This also acts as a toothpaste, whitening teeth by absorbing the bacteria from the residual left in your mouth, making it clean.


Wilson says that use of these facial masks without a break may harm the skin's natural barrier, resulting in dry skin, redness, and sensitivity. Adhesive types of masks rip dead skin cells from the surface of the skin in an aggressive manner, but along with the dead skin, they remove the facial hair also. Therefore, this kind of mask is highly recommended.


Charcoal good for pimples?

Bacteria generally trigger acne pimples in the skin and also inflammatory lesions with redness, swelling, and irritation. The antibacterial properties found in activated charcoal help remove bacteria from the pores. This can help in reducing acne.


Charcoal good for hair growth?

Charcoal shampoo can detox by attracting dirt and oil, which is then washed away. It will not remove your hair's natural moisture levels, and your hair will be healthy and have a natural shine. Charcoal doesn't just treat the hair, but also treats the scalp, cleansing and removing impurities from the scalp as well as excess oil and sebum. It boosts your hair growth and creates healthy, strong and balanced hair.

You can use charcoal-infused products or activated charcoal powder to make your own at-home treatments.

Activated charcoal can also be used as a DIY hair scrub by mixing 1 or 2 tablespoons of the powder with a base of coconut oil. 

It should then be massaged thoroughly into the scalp, left to sit for about 25 minutes or so, and then rinsed out. This process scrubs the dead skin cells on your scalp and absorbs the dirt within the pour, making the scalp healthy.

For a faster alternative, The recommendation is to add some activated charcoal powder to a gentle shampoo and shake it to mix before use.

They can not be used daily. Depending on your hair and scalp condition, use of charcoal can be restricted to every seven to ten days in a scrub or as a clarifying shampoo, Ziering says. Use it once or twice a week for a targeted treatment of excessive sweating.

Activated charcoal makes the hair glow; it draws out impurities from the scalp and the hair itself. This includes dirt and oil, as well as chemicals that build up when regularly using harsh shampoos and conditioners.                 


Pack for your hair


  1. Mix baking soda and activated charcoal powder into a cup of water and stir well.
  1. Apply to a wet or dry scalp and gently massage into the scalp.
  1. Leave it on for 25–35 minutes and rinse.

Wash and moisturize your hair after using the charcoal mask.


Charcoal scrub is good for skin.

Activated charcoal is an excellent ingredient when it comes to cleansing and exfoliating the skin. It helps remove dead cells and dirt, and increases blood circulation and collagen production to give you softer, healthier, and radiant skin.

Activated charcoal is a great ingredient to fight odor naturally. The activated charcoal absorbs impurities and bacteria from your pores. Its detoxifying properties help eliminate body odor without harsh chemicals or synthetics.


Charcoal for my face wash

Charcoal is known to cleanse the skin of impurities and help clear up blemishes.


Mix the liquid soap, coconut oil, baking soda, and charcoal powder together in a small bowl. It is also being used as a facewash.


This is a DIY charcoal facial cleanser that works better with the oil cleansing method. You can use this face wash to remove makeup.


Acne Cleanser With Activated Charcoal

  1. 1 tbsp of cocoa butter.
  1. 1 and 1/2 tablespoons shea butter
  1. A cup of liquid soap
  1. A tbsp of glycerine.
  1. 5 vitamin E capsules
  1. 2 tsp of bentonite clay.
  1. 10 drops of lavender essential oil.


Face mask:

A face mask that contains either clay or charcoal has properties that are detoxifying, which means they are excellent at drawing out the toxins and bacteria from your skin. Activated Charcoal Peel off the mask and pull out the blackheads, dead skin, and excess oil to reveal healthy skin and remove the excess tan from your face. The peel-off face mask contains de-tanning, anti-ageing, anti-pigmentation and deep-cleansing properties. Charcoal masks provide exfoliating effects and can offer results in reducing the appearance of acne scars. Exfoliation clears away dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, improving its texture over time.

A DIY charcoal face mask

  1. Combine water and oil (lemon oil, tea tree oil, or lavender oil) in a bowl.
  1. Add bentonite clay to the water-oil mixture. 
  1. Add activated charcoal powder and raw honey to the bowl. Combine all the ingredients and make a smooth paste.

You can mix and make an acne mask by using activated charcoal, clay powder, and apple cider vinegar.

steps following a charcoal mask

Since charcoal face masks dry your skin, applying moisturizer is a must after using the mask. Following the application of the mask, the following steps must be taken:

Apply a toner, then a serum, and finish with a moisturizer.


Activated charcoal can be used to treat eczema and psoriasis because it is gentle on the skin and is naturally antibacterial. It has been known to help treat eczema and psoriasis.


Does activated charcoal purify air or water?

Activated charcoal is the most effective material for odour absorption. This is because it allows for millions of micro pockets and pores. These micro pockets and pores catch smells and lock them in.


Activated charcoal helps to control humidity by removing excess moisture from the air. Activated charcoal works because it acts as a "filter" for your air. Activated carbon has properties that allow it to remove volatile organic compounds, odours, and other gaseous pollutants from the air. Carbon air filters trap gas molecules on the inside of charcoal.


 Activated charcoal is the most widely used substance to filter water. Used in both drinking water and aquariums, activated charcoal Commercial water-filtering companies take advantage of this technique by filling their filters with activated charcoal.


Using this technique to filter water removes granulated particles or unpleasant odors and flavors from the water. But you should know that activated carbon filters do not remove bacteria, viruses, fungi, or fungal spores from water. Activated carbon filters do not fully remove microbial contaminants such as bacteria and viruses, hard water minerals, fluoride, nitrate, and many other compounds. 

The benefit of using water filters is that they are natural and effective at removing many toxins from the water, such as, the volatile organic compounds , chlorine. It is done without the use of any chemicals or stripping the water contains  minerals and salt. 


The side effects of activated charcoal


In the olden days, charcoal was used to absorb the toxins from the stomach. Today, the same practices are done with activated charcoal.

It absorbs in the intestines and stomach. Activated charcoal absorbs toxins, viruses, drugs,  bacteria, fungus, and chemicals found in water.

The activated charcoal has a negative electric charge that causes positive charged toxins and gases to be released. Basically, it acts like a magnet to pull out impurities when it is taken by mouth. Activated charcoal traps toxins and chemicals which is in the gut, preventing their absorption. This helps trap toxins and chemicals in the gut.


Activated charcoal is safe when used in the short-term. Side effects of activated charcoal results in constipation and black stools. More serious, but rare, side effects are a slowing or blockage of the intestinal tract, regurgitation into the lungs, and dehydration.





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