Earthquake - You Must know before Its too late

A team of scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, California, has developed a new imaging technology that could lead to the prediction of earthquakes. The new airborne radar-based mapping technology allows scientists to see earthquake images on the ground for the first time.

An earthquake is an extended release of energy, though the energy is released not only when the event occurs, but also in several stages before the earthquake. You can see and sense the appearance of abnormalities (thermal ions) in the atmosphere near the location and time of the earthquake. These abnormalities are detected only by the satellites.

The prediction can be further distinguished from earth warning systems that, upon detection of an earthquake, provide a real-time warning of seconds to neighbouring regions that might be affected.


Scientific Methods of Prediction of an Earthquake:


  1. Before the earthquake, there was a foreshock or minor shock.

You will know about the coming of an earthquake when you see the minor shocks in the area. This is the likelihood of a larger shake occurring in that area in the near future.

  1. Statistical Probability

Data collected for years is used to forecast the probability of an earthquake, but it is still unable to warn us when it is approaching.

  1. Electric signals generated by earthquakes

Every sizable earthquake is preceded by a seismic electric signal (SES). Every SES is always followed by an earthquake, the magnitude and epicentre of which can be predicted reliably. The SES appears between 6 and 115 hours before the earthquake. As proof of this method, they claimed a series of successful predictions.


  1. In the 1970s the dilatancy–diffusion hypothesis

Dilatancy–diffusion was based on "solid and repeatable evidence" from laboratory experiments. It was highly stressed crystalline rock that experienced a change in volume. This causes changes in other characteristics, such as seismic velocity and electrical resistivity, and even large-scale uplifts of topography. It was believed this happened in a "preparatory phase" just prior to the earthquake, and that suitable monitoring could therefore warn of an impending quake.

  1. Radon emissions

Radon is useful as an earthquake predictor because it is radioactive and thus easily detected. Most rock consists of small amounts of gases that can be isotopically distinguished from the normal atmospheric gases. There are reports of spikes in the concentrations of such gases prior to a major earthquake; this has been attributed to their release due to pre-seismic stress or fracturing of the rock. One of these gases is radon, produced by the radioactive decay of the trace amounts of uranium present in most rocks.

  1. Satellite observation of the expected ground temperature declination

One way of detecting the mobility of tectonic stresses is to detect locally increased temperatures on the surface of the crust as measured by satellites. During the evaluation process, two things are noticed: the background of daily variation and noise due to atmospheric disturbances.

Human activities are seemingly removed before visualizing the concentration of trends in the wider area of a fault. 

The thermal night recordings were made on January 6, 21, and 28, 2001, in the Gujarat region of India. Marked with an asterisk is the epicentre of the Bhuj earthquake on January 26 that was of 7.9 magnitude. The intermediate recording reveals a thermal anomaly on January 21, which is shown in red. In the next recording, 2 days after the earthquake, the thermal anomaly has disappeared.


Unproven methods of predicting earthquakes

Since today, researchers are not able to predict an earthquake so profoundly that they can save millions of lives at the right time. Commoners should have basic knowledge so that they can have an insight into the coming warning.

For the unpredictable behaviour of this phenomenon, one has to depend on researchers plus their own capabilities.

At this time, ancient methods and ancestral word of mouth can help greatly to predict and can be major weapons at this time to save humanity.


  • 1 Method for reading clouds:

It is sure that thermal and ion discharges from the earth will have some of their signs in the clouds. We are required to study the before-earthquake cloud formations in the earthquake zone.

Earthquake clouds are clouds claimed to be signs of an imminent earthquake. They are described in antiquity: In chapter 32 ,of Brihat Samhita, Indian scholar Varamihira (505–587) discussed a number of signs warning of earthquakes, including extraordinary clouds occurring a week before the earthquake.

In the by lanes of Varanasi's Chittanpura locality in India, lives Shakeel Ahmad, a "cloud reader". Ahmed claims that for the past two decades, he is studying the shapes, sizes, and movements of clouds. He has been using this knowledge to predict earthquakes and their intensity accurately . Ahmad says-there is a scientific basis to his prediction . "The clouds form a particular mosaic pattern when an earthquake is around the corner. This is not a myth. He can prove it scientifically, "he said.


  • Changes in VP/Vs: 2 Unusual animal behavior patterns

After an earthquake has already begun, pressure waves (known as  P-Waves) travel double fast as the more damaging shear waves (called S-Waves).This both waves are not noticed by humans, but animals notice even the smaller vibrations that arrive before the main greater shaking. They are alarmed or exhibit unusual behaviour. 

There is evidence that animals can provide earthquake warnings hours or days in advance.

Fore shocks may also cause groundwater changes or release gases that can be detected by animals. Strange animal behaviours before earthquakes have been recorded for thousands of years. Snakes and rats escape the area. The same has been noticed in dolphins or other marine animals.

3 Earthquake Warning Lights:

An earthquake light is a luminous aerial phenomenon that reportedly appears in the sky in or near areas of tectonic stress, seismic activity, or volcano eruptions. The reports have shapes similar to those of the auroras, with a white to bluish hue, but occasionally they have been reported to have a wider colour spectrum. The luminosity is being reported to be visible for several seconds. But, it also  has been reported to last for tens of minutes.

One of the records of earthquake lights is during the Sanriku earthquake, described as "strange lights in the sky". The lights are reportedly seen to appear while an earthquake is occurring, although there are reports of lights seen before or after earthquakes. Appearances of the earthquake light seem to occur during the quake, when the quakes have a high magnitude, generally 5 or higher on the Richter scale. Incidents of yellow, ball-shaped lights appearing before earthquakes have been reported from around the globe.

  4 Earthquake Weather:

Aristotle proposed in the 4th century BC that earthquakes were caused by winds trapped in caves. Small tremors were thought to have been caused by air pushing on the cavern roofs, and large ones by the air breaking the surface. This theory led to a belief in 'earthquake weather', that because a large amount of air was trapped underground, the weather would be hot and calm before an earthquake. A later theory stated that earthquakes occurred in calm, cloudy conditions, and were usually preceded by strong winds.

Despite the fact that geologists rejected the theory, But in reality, an earthquake is followed by the gushing of wind-type sounds and the rattling of roof tiles.


  • 5: Well water levels

The water level in the well decreases or increases or it gushes, pushing the walls of the well.


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