Dreams -A Coded language


Dreams have a key to the future , and are related to your life. It is usually in the coded language .If you  pursue the dream you will learn what it is talking about. You disregard t the dreams which tells more about your future events. You considered it is mere dream, seen while resting in yours subconscious mind. Dreams are considered instructional, guiding as well as warning dreams.


Our great-grandfathers had a legitimate reason to believe the dreams, to act on the dreams.


How many times have you seen the dreams in which you have learned the specific of obtaining the residence on specific location or travelling abroad for specific purpose? How many times did a dream reveal to you that harm was ahead and warned you, but you never paid any attention? How many times have you tried to solve a problem at your office and, found yourself helpless? But in the quiet time of your rest in your sleep, you suddenly got the answer concerning the matter.

Anyone born a genius?... but they get the divine intervention to solve the puzzle while sleeping.

Sir Albert Einstein was  a back bencher  when he was in school ,and he was turned out of college but he discovered something which made his name great.

Similarly, many men from the past recognized as scientists and business tycoons had received the guidance necessary for their success through divine guidance like this.


An illustration- a young boy saw a dream of the sun, moon, and stars bowing down to him. His father was furious as he got the meaning of the dream it said, - "Do your mother and I, with the entire household, would bow to you?"

The second time, the similar type of dream the the young boy saw - time he saw the tied straws tied by his brothers bowing down towards his tied straw sack. These two dreams of the boy became true. He was sold as a slave, and sent to Egypt, where later he became the Prime Minister of Egypt-the second-highest rank after the King of Egypt. The boy's brothers came unknowingly, and bowed down to him.

The boy was a Hebrew named Joseph, and he saved people from severe famine that happened in those days.


God, the Creator of the mankind, speaks to him in his resting time. Many dream occur while sleeping, but we rarely pay attention to them to determine what message is being  conveyed. This message may be either good or bad for alarm. This is where you see dreams and they are usually in coded language, the language that you can understand, which has been conveyed to you. The most common way God communicates with people is through dreams and visions, and he still does so today.


The best time your creator found is your rest time when you sleep. You remember the time you are waiting for the result after you appeared in your exam. The sequence of dreams approaching gives you a hint of your success and failure.  


Many times, we are not attentive towards our dreams, which convey messages to us. We fail to heed the Most-High God's instruction. And we lose ability to accept instruction and guidance in order to make the best decision.


Many times, we perceive the dream to be irrelevant, frightening and in black and white . These dreams are not God's given dreams. The God given dreams are vibrant in color and colorful in nature. Those types of dreams, the message may be for specific purposes.

The code of the dreams will be such that they will express themselves to you. When God speaks, he provides the ability to decode the dream. It is solely up to you to give an ear to hear what he speaks at night. To get the distinct guidance and instruction you need in your life you need to converse with God for heavenly guidance. Being your creator, he knows you and your life well. You only need to identify your creator for his instruction and guidance for your life.


The serpent in your dream may be an omen of thing to come in your life. In a similar way the crow, cat, black panther etc signifies some bad happening in your life. Going down or sliding down may be a bad dream for you when you are awaiting your results. Higher authorities in your dream could represent God, speaking to you.


Maybe this world carries many gods, but the creator is one who speaks to his creations, who speaks to his own creation through vivid, colorful dreams.


The dreams may be of warning or instruction, which will be of a persuasive nature, so that you may not ignore them. Keep an account of your dreams at night as it contains some messages. Take  a paper and pen to write down down when you still remember what it is .If you ignore the dreams, you might ignore the guidance that was provided through them. Many scientists and people received such guidance and succeeded in life.

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