Ethical Leadership: Where Human comes First


As an individual we lack many qualities and put ourselves in trouble. A tiny blunder keeps us out of the track and the way of promotion towards life is discouraged. We drastically fail in the attempts of getting a better person and fail reaching the appointed goal in life.

Do we consider ourselves as a human being, we rude towards ourselves and our fellowmen? Human being is described as a species, distinguished from other animals by superior mind, power of articulate speech, and upright attitude.

The Leaders are called to lead but the Leader must be good human being to lead the team. A Leader is only the person who can achieve the most from the employees in any Corporate or Organisation. He knows the potentiality of each member, and works to extract in an effective way.

A Leader, who is in the shoe of the Human Being can be a better Leader and lead the Team effectively. Describing a leader, we can say that the Leader is the one who leads the Team and also stays behind the team to see its progress. A Leader visualises his team member progresses. He is the mentor as well as the guide in the path of their organisational career.

Unless the Leader is a good human being, the progress of the Organisation is vulnerable. The End result will be the Chaos and issues and ultimately the unsatisfied resigning of the Team member.


1.     Building Confidence level

Self-confidence is a skill. It is something you can master it with learning, practice and persistence.

On building up the confidence level the overall personality improves. A confident man walks and the spirit of confident is being seen. It means a state of mind marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncertainty. In an individual confidence stresses faith in himself and have powers without any suggestion of self-importance. It makes him confident speaker and excessively bold.


If you are Confident then you are hopeful, sure, positive optimistic, satisfied, self-assured, self-reliant.

When you are Confident, you are more likely to move forward with people and opportunities. You will not back away from them. You will be a good team player, monitoring and building your teamconfidence level too. And if things don't work out well, your brainstorming will give a next try.


 Build your Confidence:

1.     Get things done. Confidence is built on accomplishment. ...

2.     Monitor your Progress.

3.     Do things right. ...

4.     Be Fearless. ...

5.     Stand-up for your team members and self  

6.     Think Long-term or Be Foresighted.


2.     Be a EmpatheticPerson

Empathetic person is the capacity to understand and feel what another person is experiencing from within. Place yourself in other's position. If you are Empathetic towards the other people, you will know them better and thereby can deal with them better.

Healthy self-confidence is better, able to respect and appreciate the abilities and skills of others .

There are three components of empathy and you need to have all:

·      Cognitive,

·      Emotional

·      Compassionate.


3.     Changethe way you look at things

Leader required to have the Clarity, Clear and Concise at all times. As their Corporate vision and what needs to be accomplished they need to be firm on their Decisions, once they have made up their mind.


They need to have the following to hold on to their point whatever consequence may be.

·      Courage.

·      Passion.

·      Humility.

A good Leader acknowledges the pain and happiness of his subordinate.

Showing appreciation to the person opened up in performance, you encourage the person to be more productive. This is an important part as a leader to acknowledge the subordinate before the Team or before the organisation for the piece of effort and excel performance.


Motivating the members of the team through different positive mean to keep them encouraging round the clock.


When the Leader shows interest to the team members as an intimate friend or in one-to-one friendship, this will encourage the subordinate and friendly team culture will develop without any malice and departmental enmity.


4.     Change your Attitude

       Leadership Skills and Practices can be defined as your attitude is changed        in the following different ways:

1.    Self-development, comes into practice when each day you make a point to learn. ...

2.    Team development, exist when you determined to protect and look at the growth of the Team member. ...

3.    Strategic thinking and acting are the way you need to think and brainstorm for the achievement of the vision in cooperation with your Team. ...

4.    Ethical practice is endured only when you realise the strength of your position you are in. The inner strength which is courage to stand on   adverse situation you get only when you build an intimate relationship which will strengthen you in keeping your decision firm in adverse situation   ...

5.    Innovation or the Brainstorming is the key to lead in the market place as a Leader.


 5.     ThinkPositive

Positive is defined as good, looking at the good side of things, showing certainty, showing the zero presence of an illness. It is thought of an optimistic way, looking for solutions, expecting good results and success etc.


Let your speech be balanced as a leader. You as a leader accountable of the words and deed for what you say and do.

Speak not the unnecessary words or hurting word which very fairly will damage your image.


A Leader is a responsible person and able to stand and take the accountability on his team error.


A Leader should be perfect in Listening skills, determination and confidence knowing the problem area to rectify.


Get rid of Ego and Proud. Humbler you become more respect and love you gain from all. The core of the Leadership is to establish effective Organizational Structure and Communication Protocols. And working in this direction the Leader is to be an Effective Role Model.


As a leader your ultimate goal is —leading, developing, and achieving. ...

A Leaders inspire, motivate and mobilize others to accomplish goals or achieve results. Leader knows to maintain effective Time Management.


6.     Thinkand dream big

To achieve the highest goal as a leader you need to get inspired by the stories of great people.

1.    Then writing down your dreams.
2.    Make a battle plan blue print.
3.    Ready to Pay the price or Ready for any consequence.
4.    Expect Challenges.
5.    Make patience your armour
6.    Drop the fits of anger
7.    Trust in the Creator God
8.    Helping hand towards the needy

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