You Must Know the Benefits Coconut oil holds

 You must keep Coconut Oil in your kitchen

Coconut oil is an edible oil derived from the coconut. Because of its unique benefits it is called and marketed as the superfood. Coconut oil is high in saturated fats. And these fats have different effects in the body when compared with most other dietary fats. Coconut oil is a white solid fat, temperatures of around 25° C it melts. And, in warmer climates it is a clear thin liquid oil. Coconut oil has a pH of 7-8 and a healthy skin's natural pH is around 5. This means that coconut oil is essentially 100-1,000 times more alkaline and it work wonder in your skin. The combination of fatty acids in coconut oil has positive effects on your health, such as boosting fat loss, brain function and heart health.


Virgin Coconut oil benefits:

·      The fatty acids in coconut oil encourages your body to burn fat. They raise HDL (good) cholesterol in your blood, which helps in reducing the risk heart disease. They also raise HDL (good) cholesterol in your blood, which may help reduce heart disease risk In one study in 40 women- coconut oil reduced total and LDL (bad) cholesterol while increases HDL, compared with soybean oil. .Kitavan people in Papua New Guinea eat a lot of coconut, alongside fruit, tubers, and fish, and the stroke or heart disease is minimal.


·      Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are shorter fatty acid chains. When you eat MCTs, they go straight to your liver, your body uses as a quick source of energy or turns them into ketones.


·      It is rich in phytochemicals that have healthful antioxidant properties. Lauric acid makes up about 50% in Coconut oil and Lauric acid can kill harmful pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. 

·      Antioxidants called polyphenols in coconut oil is able to relieve some symptoms of arthritis. A study in rats with arthritis found that treatment with polyphenols from coconut oil reduced swelling and several inflammatory diseases. 

·      Some evidence of using coconut oil as a mouthwash — a process called oil pulling for oral hygiene. 

·      It reduces hunger as your body metabolizes fats, because ketones can reduce a person’s appetite. Another study in 14 healthy men reported that those who ate the most MCTs at breakfast ate fewer calories at lunch. Coconut oil reduce appetite and increase fat burning, it may also help you in losing weight. It also a fat cutter of your Abdominal fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity and around your organs. MCTs is effectively reduces belly fat.

A  study in 40 women with abdominal obesity, those who took 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of coconut oil per day had lost a significant reduction in both     Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference.  The participants lost this weight without restricting calories or increasing physical activity.


·      Virgin Coconut oil is also beneficial in treatment for epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and other conditions -a study says. It is known as therapeutic use of coconut oil is as treating drug-resistant epilepsy in children.  It also reduces the rate of seizures in children with epilepsy.  

·      Researchers says that ketones can provide an alternative energy source for these malfunctioning brain cells to reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Virgin Coconut oil benefits in Alzheimer disease also. 

·       Virgin coconut oil, added to antibiotic therapy, help relieve the symptoms of pneumonia faster than antibiotic therapy alone, a new study finds. This oil benefits the Respiratory disease also and brings back the oxygen in body. coconut oil therapy along with antibiotics had fewer crackles (a wheezing sound in the lungs).And in a shorter time elevate respiratory rate and fever, better oxygen saturation in the blood, and shorter hospital stays, according to the study.

          ·      For women going through menopause, coconut oil is also very helpful. 

·      Coconut oil is proven for safe and effective use as a moisturizer. Its moisturizing properties make the product a lubricant and allows it for lasting intercourse. It is a natural lubricant that help the sperm reach their destination.



Coconut Oil for Skin:

 People uses Coconut oil for cosmetic purposes to improve the skin health and appearance of their skin and hair.

·      Coconut oil lighten skin and may help reduce the appearance of dark spots or uneven skin tone.

·      Coconut oil improves the moisture content of dry skin and revive the skin texture and tone and it also reduces the symptoms of eczema.

·      It also works as a sunscreen.

·      This oil works wonders on your lips when used as a lip balm, it naturally moisturizes and the healing antioxidant properties works great to smoothening the lips.

·      Coconut oil can be used as your daytime lip balm, it also works well as an overnight treatment mask. Apply to your lips and face leave overnight then rinse off in the morning. It works as facial moisturiser.

·       Men can shave with coconut oil or mixing it with aloe vera, to create a more traditional creamlike application. The application of coconut oil to your skin after shaving to keep the skin soft.

        ·      Use coconut oil after showers and it will sink into your skin.                                  Apply Coconut oil when your skin is still warm and damp from               the shower. 
  •  One more benefit of coconut oil extends to your eyelashes too. Coconut oil helps to keep your eyelashes healthy; result is the fuller lashes and eyelash styling tools. This also gives a false eyelash and beautiful look.

·      Stretch marks are scars, but coconut oil can reduce the look of stretch marks. It may also promote healing and prevent stretch marks .

·      Coconut oil work great to gently remove makeup.


Coconut Oil for Hair:


Using Coconut oil as a hair mask and leave a day treatment helps moisturizing and sealing hair. It makes your hair look shinier, stronger, and longer. Coconut oil can make your hair grow faster or longer.


·      From moisturizing and protecting your skin and hair to having antimicrobial and antifungal properties, It prevents from hair fall.

·      Scalp conditioner

·      Deep conditioner: A thick coat of coconut oil, left on for several hours under a shower cap, will transform dry, damaged hair into shiny and moisturized hair.



How to use Coconut oil:

·      Studies have shown that coconut oil helps reducing cavity-causing bacteria, but there is much research needed .

·       Coconut oil helps with constipation and boosting metabolism. It is having a laxative effect. This mean more frequent and smaller, softer bowel movements, cleaning up the intestine.

·      This natural oil offers natural benefits that won't increase sensitivity. Plus, it aids in the removal of plaque and improves gum health, which in return make enamel appear whiter.

·      Massaging Breast increase the blood flow which secrete the hormone, prolactin .You can opt for Coconut oil for this massage or even warm coconut oil can lead to a change in size. 

·      Coconut oil is effective and has to do with wounds and dermatitis (eczema). In both cases, coconut oil can help by acting as a thick, moisturizing barrier as the skin heals.

·      Coconut oil also found effective in treating Keloid scar.



 How to eat coconut oil:


·      How to incorporate Coconut oil in your diet and the optimal amount to take. Studies have found that 2 tablespoons (30 ml) seems to be an effective and perfect dose. There may be little side effect you can see of nausea or loose stool but with times the effect will go. Therefore, start slowly to avoid the nausea and loose stools that may occur with high intake. Start with lessen intake and then increase accordingly. Take 1 teaspoon per day, gradually increasing to 2 tablespoons per day over 1–2 weeks.

·      Eating a spoonful of coconut oil daily will help speeding up your metabolism, making it easier for your body to burn fat and eventually lose weight. It is especially helpful in burning belly fat.


Pros and cons of Coconut oil:

 ·      Coconut oil is high in saturated fatty acids, and saturated fat has been linked to high cholesterol levels and heart disease. There are two kinds of coconut oil when we differentiate with its processing way. Virgin coconut oil, is gently processed, and is not harmful when compared with highly processed coconut oils. Refined, bleached and deodorized, or R.B.D.,or coconut oil, which is been treated with solvents and subjected to intense heat, raises cholesterol. The harsh processing destroys the good essential fatty acids and antioxidants, such as lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid believed to raise good H.D.L. cholesterol.

·      Coconut oil can get spoiled, and the good news is that coconut oil has a long shelf life naturally.
·      Consumption of too much coconut oil can lead to nausea, and loose motion. Other coconut oil-linked side effects include headache, dizziness, fatigue, swollen glands, joint or muscle pain, stomach upset, chills, hives or rashes. 
·      Coconut oil is highly resistant to oxidation at high heat. For this reason, it is very suitable for high-heat cooking methods like frying.


Coconut oil for cooking:

 Coconut oils high smoke point of 350°F (175°C). Therefore, ideal for cooking is     below smoke point.

  • Here are some cooking ideas:
  • Add  1–2 tablespoons of this oil to cook vegetables, eggs, meat or fish after you finish cooking them .It adds flavour as well as taste.
  • Make coffee and add a teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Use it to make cookies .
  • Bake chicken and add coconut oil for distinct taste and flavour.
  • Make smoothie and add coconut oil into it.
  • Use as salad oil dressing

Coconut Oil Coffee

  • 1/2 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder.
  • ½ cup full fat milk and ½ cup water (make it boil).
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil.
  • Sugar or other sweetener, to taste
  • 1 Teaspoon of Coffee


 Coconut oil uses:

 ·      Natural homemade scrub: Sugar, honey, and organic coconut oil.

Simply add a tablespoon of white or brown sugar,

One teaspoon honey,

One tablespoon coconut oil.

A pinch of salt

Mix all the ingredients and massage it gently on your lips for 30 seconds and then wash it off with warm water.


·      Bath Scrub: Salt and coconut oil

One and a half cup of Epsom Salt /normal Salt

½ cup of Coconut oil

Mix both well and store it.

This is best exfoliator and give a great feel after bath

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