Know a person reading his Handwriting- a Persons Sketch

Handwriting Analysis: An Overview

Graphology is handwriting analysis exhibits where there is slight change in a person's mood. Handwriting to help understand individuals' nature and personality, positive and negative traits and behaviour, and much more as he writes and tells his case story. 

This is a polygraph that reads out the complete self-guided directly by the brain.

Handwriting differs from person to person and depends on situations and circumstances. Many times, the person's handwriting may be noticed to have a slight change in accordance with the mental pressure he is undergoing or, otherwise, he is in a light mood.

Graphology is a secret lie held between the lines. And this script reveals the character, strength, and weaknesses of the person whose handwriting it is. 

Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is an art of interpreting human personality by reading their handwriting.

The handwriting expert is not a fore-teller nor reveals the past, but can reveal the present traits of an individual's intelligence, self-confidence, leadership qualities, temperament, etc.

 It is a psychological imprint of a person on paper and is a direct projection from the brain. 

It is related to the person's sub-consciousness and, therefore, from time to time, one handwriting can be perceived to have a slight change according to the present natural or the circumstances an individual is passing through. It helps to understand the personalities of the people around us and of our co-workers. The writing is not the same when compared; it varies from person to person and circumstances to circumstances. It varies in various conditions and according to the mood, but the key character's persuasion is constant.

Graphology can be used in various areas.

It can be used in various areas.

Employers-Business Organization, Human Resources Department


Parents' home

Psychologists and physicians


Cops investigation

Individuals to understand their intimate partners' needs

Financial services



construction services

Handwriting Analysis: Reassess

The main focus of the handwriting analysis can be the reason for making out the problem area, and this gives the idea to the concerned organization or person to persuade a training programme or corrective majors.

Behavioural areas could be revealed.

Through handwriting analysis, the behavioural areas could be revealed as the hand is guided by the brain. Dishonesty, disloyalty, decrease in confidence level, laziness, trouble-making, dual personality-are some of the falls beyond the areas that need attention.

A Behavioral Area could be developed.

Different training programs and one-on-one talks or the superior-subordinate meeting can help to develop confidence, interpersonal skills, personality development, leadership skills, problem solving, loyalty, and trustworthiness.

Graphology and Human Resources

Graphology is being used in many corporations to align with the right human resources suits.

Handwriting Analysis is a powerful tool for behavior analysis, which analyzes an employee for the right kind of job and particular training needs for his productivity. It can be used to determine the productivity of a person by determining the right problem area and the required training need.

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