Benefits of Brahmi


Bicopa Thimare/Ondelega

Brahmi is a succulent herb with numerous branches that root at the nodes. It is almost found everywhere, ranging from sea level to altitudes of over 4400 feet. It grows on its own in wet soil, damp soil, shallow water, and marshes. It has tiny flowers, light purple or white in colour, with no more than four or five petals. Remarkably, the leaves of the Brahmi herb have a similar shape to that of the cerebellum (a part of the brain that helps in controlling concentration and memory). The whole plant of Brahmi is used for medicinal purposes. It has a bitter and sweet taste. Some Brahmi herbs are very bitter in taste, but some varieties of herbs are not bitter (considered sweet or neutral in comparison) in taste. This herb is eatable cooked or uncooked. This herb is also known to impart a cooling effect.


This plant-based solution can be consumed without hesitation or fear.It helps with calming the mind and helps with sleep disorders. Research shows that Brahmi has antioxidant, cardiotonic, and anticancer properties.

It improves intellect, consciousness, and mental acuity.

Meditational Purposes


  • 1. Brahmi is an herb used as a memory enhancer or brain booster and has the antioxidants that are essential for healthy living. Brahmi has been found beneficial in the treatment of anxiety, neurosis, and mental fatigue. 

Research found it significantly improved IQ levels, general ability, behavioral patterns, and mental concentration in kids. It is also useful for improving mental clarity, confidence, and memory recall. For these uses of Brahmi, it has been widely used by students.
      • Brahmi leaves are good for antihyperglycemic properties and are recommended for diabetics.

      It also regulates the blood sugar levels in diabetic patients, which helps prevent hypoglycaemia.

      • When Brahmi leaves are consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach, they boost memory power and intelligence level. Brahmi is also treated as a therapeutic herb, aphrodisiac, and a health tonic. Ayurvedic experts consider Brahmi excellent for improving brain functions and strengthening memory. It also promotes intelligence, concentration, and memory and increases learning capability.

      It says to enhance the three aspects of memory—

      Long-term memory, short-term memory, and retaining capacity are all examples of cognitive abilities.


      • Brahmi's specific cooling property keeps the mind calm and anxiety free, and it also keeps the stomach cool. It helps in soothing gastric ulcers and treating irritable bowel syndrome. It also promotes sound and peaceful sleep. " 


      • The ancient and ancestral sayings say that it is also an herb used for jaundice disease.


      • The compounds in Brahmi are found to be of great use in preventing cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

      Some more meditational purposes of Brahmi are to reduce stress and anxiety as it decreases the levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. It is good for heart disease, it reduce the same. It also eases the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The presence of amyloid compounds in the neurons damages the brain, but the biochemical compounds-bacosides present in brahmi help build brain tissues, influencing brain cells for healthy working.

      • Studies have shown Brahmi to possess anticancer activity. The antioxidants in the herb help remove the free radicals which mutate into cancer cells.
      • Consumption of Brahmi leaves helps in strengthening of the immune system. 


      • Brahmi is indeed a remedy that gives relief from arthritis, gout, and other inflammatory conditions. It  reduces inflammation in the body.

      Brahmi is a medicine to provide relief from arthritis-related inflammation. It also soothes the stomach, helping in cases of gastric ulcers.

      • It is good at clearing excess mucus and reducing throat inflammation, providing relief from sinus and respiratory related problems.


      • ..Brahmi also treats epilepsy, insomnia, asthma, and rheumatism.
      • Brahmi is effective against diseases like bronchitis, asthma, hoarseness, arthritis, rheumatism, backaches, constipation, hair loss, fevers, digestive problems etc.
      • The herb is also used for all skin problems-eczema, psoriasis, abscess, ulcerations, and eczema. It kindles the growth of skin, hair, and nails.

      It improves intellect, consciousness, and mental acuity.

      • It calms the mind and promotes relaxation. Brahmi also increases protein synthesis raising the activity in brain cells.
      • Brahmi decrease the  anxiety level, restlessness, and senility in the body.
      • Brahmi is effective against diseases like bronchitis, asthma, hoarseness, arthritis, rheumatism, backaches, constipation, hair loss, fevers, digestive problems, etc.


      • The plant is also used for all sorts of skin problems-eczema, psoriasis, abscess, ulcerations, etc.-it is said to stimulate the cells for the regrowth of skin, hair, and nails.


      Brahmi has the following beauty benefits:

      Brahmi oil is good for treating dry scalps and preventing hair fall. The antioxidant in this herb rejuvenates the scalp, promoting the regeneration of healthy hair and removing toxins from the body, enhancing the skin complexion by stimulating cell regeneration. Hair problems like dandruff, itchiness, and split ends are treated by Brahmi.

      The oil makes the skin supple and soft, improving the texture of the skin and helping in regenerations of skin cells.


      The healing properties of Brahmi oil are used to heal wounds and reduce the appearance of scars.


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